Liberty Enlightening the World

Liberty Enlightening the World
La Liberté éclairant le monde

Saturday 12 April 2014

40 Cups of Coffee

Series: 40 Cups of Coffee
Sub Series: The Smell of Coffee
Dimensions: 102mm x 186mm approximately
Series run: 40 paintings signed and numbered
Medium: Acrylic on raw canvas, mounted on board
Artist: Mitchell Foley
Date: 2006. 

Comprising 40 individual paintings of a cup of Coffee, this sub-series deals with the
esoteric nature of Coffee and the time related issues that that engenders. Certainly,
the cups of coffee themselves have become esoteric, in that in many instances the
cup has been removed altogether and the coffee has become nothing more than a
foreground frame for distant abstract landscape conversations.

Coffee is arbitrary in this-series, as indeed it is in life. We often invite each other (or
take ourselves) to coffee when in reality it is time, spent in; conversation, company,
thought or sometimes incarceration, that is the object of the exercise. In this set of
paintings, it is the issues and their various complexities that are of interest; the
aspects (or perhaps the aroma) that are left when you remove the Cup of Coffee
from a Cup of Coffee.

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